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Join Gesher's Ken!

Throughout the year, we offer fun and educational after school programs. They are led by our dedicated counsellors who offer their time to create a Gesher community outside of camp. 


Fall Seminar 2023 Details:


Dates:  November 17-19, 2023

Cost: $275 including HST.     

What is a Seminar?
A Camp Gesher seminar is a fun-filled time in which chanichimot in grade 7 and up are able to have a realistic camp-like experience and see their kvutzah and tzevet for an entire weekend! During this weekend, chanichimot can expect to do what they would normally do at camp from Friday-Sunday, including shabbat dinner, rikkud, and havdalah! We will also be running kvutzah specific and camp-wide peulot and activities for everyone to participate in! 


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